Now offering Virtual Ergonomic Assessments

Ideal for those Working-From-Home and Students

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
— Benjamin Franklin

What is "Ergonomics"?:

er·go·nom·ics, ˌərɡəˈnämiks/ noun: ergonomics.

The study of people's efficiency in their working environment. Origin (GREEK) ergon/work + (English) economics = ERGONOMICS.

Ergonomics can be defined simply as the study of work. More specifically, ergonomics is the science of designing the work space to fit you the “worker'‘, rather than physically forcing your body to fit the work space. Adapting tasks, work stations, tools, and equipment to fit the you can help reduce physical stress on your body and eliminate many potentially serious, disabling work related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). (OSHA). MSDs, or musculoskeletal disorders, are injuries and disorders of the soft tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, and cartilage) and nervous system. They can affect nearly all tissues, including the nerves and tendon sheaths, and most frequently involve the arms and back.

Who should consider having an Ergonomic Assessment?

  1. If your office is set up exactly the same way it was the first day you moved in.

  2. If you find that you have particular symptoms that seem to appear or worsen when sitting/standing at your work space.

  3. You sit or stand at your workspace >20min at a time all day long.

  4. If you are one of the many that use “Shared Workspace”.

  5. If it has been more than 3 years since you had an ergonomic assessment of your workspace.

  6. If you wonder whether your work space could be improved at a low cost.

  7. If you have no option but work from home due to a global pandemic (Covid-19).

  8. If you are now taking all your classes online due to a global pandemic (Covid-19).

What does it mean to have an Office Ergonomic Assessment performed by OPTIMUM RESULTS?

This means having an Ergonomic Specialist with almost 15 yrs of experience perform an on-site evaluation by assessing your work space and how the space is being utilized. Assessing whether the space is set up in a way that is optimal for you. Making sure the space best fits you rather than making you fit the space.

What to expect from an Office Ergonomic Assessment performed by OPTIMUM RESULTS?

A 45-60min onsite (currently virtual only due to Pandemic) evaluation that include your concerns with your set up or possible symptoms you may be experiencing from your current set up, observation of the workspace and how it is utilized, video record created, immediate adjustments when possible.

  1. After an evaluation is completed, a comprehensive written report will be sent to you with a list of your concerns, interventions performed on site, before and after photos as well as additional recommendations if appropriate or we can purchase and install any additional equipment of your choice for an additional fee.

  2. Will follow up with you 2 weeks after the completed evaluation and intervention. Although you are welcome to contact us at any time.



Company Wide Ergonomic Assessment

Why should I consider having a Company Wide Ergonomic Assessment?

By reducing or eliminating ergonomic risk factors your company/organization can prevent costly Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) among workers. Ergonomic solutions can often improve productivity and increase job satisfaction can come from employees seeing the company ensuring their health and safety. Eliminating employee fatigue and discomfort can reduce turnover, decrease absenteeism, improve morale and increase employee involvement. 


How much does it cost to prevent a Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD)?

Many solutions to ergonomic problems in the workplace are simple and inexpensive.

How much does it cost to treat MSDs

The average cost for lost time after injury in the US in 2010 was $20,500 (OSHA).

Company Wide Benefits from Ergonomic Assessments


Healthy employees are your most valuable asset. Creating and fostering the safety & health culture at your company will lead to better human performance for your organization.